I ache. All over. Even in my running muscles which I thought were strong. Even in muscles I didn't know were there. Especially in mu left hamstring and right quad (in case you hadn't noticed, I'm feeling sorry for myself - currently self medicating with red wine). I am not built for laying flooring. But I do truly believe that manual labour is good for the soul, so the work itself I don't mind. Its the aftermath that I mind. I am in training, that hurts enough. This is too much. Ouch. But... it looks lovely. A transformation. Now I just need to clean up all the dust and confusion.
When one spends one's day laying flooring/painting/other manual labour, one does not have much strength or time to cook. So one makes something that will replenish the weary worker's energy stores, and that is quick and easy but does not compromise on deliciousness. And this prawn pasta is one such dish.
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