I was asked the other day what it is that like like about baking/cooking. Is it the eating? Is it the construction process? Is it the challenge? Is it the making something that people enjoy? When I think about it, I am sure that its a combination of all of the above, but mostly - I enjoy the construction. The mixing and whisking and folding and beating and kneading and (you get the picture right? I thought so. I'll stop going on and on now) and then seeing if it all turns out ok. Even if it doesn't I still enjoy it. Weird, right? I also hugely enjoy making people smile. I have been given this opportunity a few times recently and honestly, nothing beats it. It is wonderous what a little thought and a little sugar can do for someone who is having a bad day. Its like the saying (I don't know who originally said it) which goes something along the lines of 'a baker is a witch who conjures smiles'.
Why do I blog then? I was asking myself that same question this morning while reading an article in the latest Delicious Magazine about food bloggers. I don't write because I think people are reading, because I am really not convinced that anyone (besides my mum) reads what I write. I don't write because I have any aspirations to become famous or gain any type of notoriety. So why do I write? Because I enjoy riting, I always have. When I was a teenager I would start writing novels that never got beyone a dozen pages or so before I lost inspiration, but I just loved reading and wanted to write. And teh easiest thing to write about, is something that you love. I could never blog about cars or fashion, but cooking... I like to cook and I like to write about it. So I guess I do it for me. If there is anyone else out there reading this, I am doing it for you too. Thank you for reading. You're fabulous.
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