Chocolate. Whoever invented it, thank you. You have given hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of women something that can make them feel better, no matter how bad things may be.
Bad day at work? Chocolate brownie.
Found out your simple car service has a £600 bill attached to it? Chocolate Log.
Coffee break after paining the living room, hallway, and banisters for 5 hours solid? Kit-Kat.
Boyfriend/husband/other half has been away in Barbados surrounded by blonde bimbos for a week and you're home alone? Toblerone.
Gruelling 10 mile uphill trail run in the rain and you finish triumphant but soaked with 2kg of mud attached to each shoe. Hot hot hot chocolate.
So, with my baking craving on, I went to a shop yesterday, innocently looking for bread and smoked salmon to satisfy a sensible lunch requirement, and I walked out with those, and a slab of chocolate.
This slab.
Looks innocent does it?
Now look at it next to a regular 100g slab of chocolate.
Impressed? I thought you might be. I just couldn't resist this (reduced) 950g bar of chocolate. It filled me whith chocolatey inspiration. It had to be mine. Now, I keep thinking about the white chocolate version. I am resisting the temptation to go back. Its hard.
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