Tuesday 19 January 2010

Fat and Fire

So last night I made Nigella's 'Cuban Cure Black Bean Soup'. In the last year or so I have come to love Nigella's recipes. She is the epitomy of the gorgeous, elegant, talented kitchen goddess that I can only dream of one day becoming. She glides around the kitchen like she was born to be there and every movement she makes is like a graceful step in a dance which she enjoys every single second of. I think the sheer pleasure that she gets out of cooking and out of eating is part of her irresistable appeal. Last Christmas I bought her 'Nigellas Christmas' book and it has some truly wonderful recipes. The Cranberry and White Chocolate Cookies are heavenly and the Gingerbread is sublime, but last night I treated myself to the Cuban Cure Black Bean Soup. Now I know it is not Christmas any more and I was not suffering from a hangover but it doesn't matter, this soup is a warm comfort any time of the year.  It is remarkably quick and simple, but boy is it impressive! I do adore chorizo and it is perfect in this brothy soup complimented with coriander, lime, tomato and spring onion and is a firey, salty and sharp concoction that will make you sink into the sofa cradling the bowl in contented bliss.

It is making my mouth water just to think about it. Luckily for me dinner tonight will be last night's soup leftovers so I can look forward to enjoy it all over again. As I am covered for dinner, I may bake something to keep me busy in between shortening the new kitchen curtain and finishing my sister's jewellery box. The only problem with baking is that there will be cake/biscuits afterwards ready to tempt me into over-indulging in them. I love baking, and even more the act of baking than the eating of the finished product. I will cretinly treat myself to some but then I will need to bring the rest into the office for my dear colleagues to enjoy to avoid the temptation of scoffing myself into a larger jeans-size. I have always had a problem with portion control so I find it best to keep temptation away, but I do so love cooking and baking that I'm my own worst enemy. We will see what mood I'm in when I get home.

Until tomorrow, happy cooking.

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