Sorry blog, you have been neglected. I really, really don't know how its been so long since I've posted on here. I am going to blame Christmas ok? Christmas, its all your fault.
Seriously, I did take some time off over Christmas, but now things are back in full swing, and are they swinging! Its busy! Which is great, but leaves blogging time for late on a Saturday afternoon when I'm in between mopping the floor & washing the cloths, and thinking about cooking dinner.
So this isn't going to be a long post, but it will be a promise to post more. I promise. Don't give up on me.
The big news this week is my cupcake photoshoot with the excellent Mark Williamson. He is the camera genius behind my gorgeous wedding photos, and was the only person I thought of when I first considered getting professional pics for my website. It was about time the pics got an upgrade, so this week the cupcakes put their best side forward, and smiled for the camera. The results should be visible on my site in the next day or two, so come back soon! But here's a sneak preview...

Orignal From: I don't know how its been so long!